Revocable Trusts

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At The Law Center PLLC, in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, our goal is to deliver the best value for our clients at competitive costs. We encourage many clients to draft a revocable trust, also known as an inter-vivos trust. A revocable trust offers several advantages a simple will cannot provide.

A Will Is Not Enough To Avoid Probate

A will is only one part of an estate plan. But by itself, it will not help you avoid probate, the administrative costs of which can often consume 20-25 percent of an estate. A will only becomes effective after its subject passes away.

A revocable trust accomplishes the same goals as a will but shields the assets from probate. Assets in a revocable trust are not subject to probate. Plus, a revocable trust allows you to protect your interests while you are living, because the assets are available for you to use during your lifetime.

Funding A Revocable Trust

It is essential to fund a revocable trust; without funding, it is worthless. This is a critical component often overlooked by other estate planning lawyers. We go beyond drafting your revocable trust. We take care of all of the funding for our clients, including transferring the deeds and bank accounts.

Find Out If A Revocable Trust Should Be A Part Of Your Estate Plan

We invite you to meet with we for a consultation to discuss your situation. We will evaluate your situation and create an individualized estate plan that is tailored to meet your needs and accomplish your objectives.

We represent estate planning clients throughout Colorado and Kansas. To schedule your consultation, contact us directly at 303-991-5200 or contact us online.
