Asset Protection

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Asset Protection

At The Law Center PLLC, we take a straightforward approach to maximizing and protecting the inheritance you leave behind. We will plan your estate to reduce tax implications, fees and court costs, making sure your estate is divided as you intend.

As part of the unique asset protection strategy we develop on your behalf, we may recommend forming a business entity such as a limited liability company (LLC), drafting an irrevocable trust or taking any other action.

We also have experience with more sophisticated estate planning tools such as Nevada, Alaska and South Dakota asset protection trusts. We work with trusted attorneys licensed in those states in order to develop a comprehensive plan for safeguarding our clients’ financial interests.

Addressing A Wide Array Of Concerns

One of the most important aspects of asset protection planning is determining how to appropriately transfer those assets to the next generation. For instance, a client with several million dollars in assets may wish to include certain restrictions and limits to prevent his or her teenage heirs from imprudently dissipating those resources.

Other concerns may include:

  • Minimizing estate taxes
  • Keeping assets out of the wrong hands
  • Transferring value, not just money
  • Managing assets prior to your passing
  • Determining whether a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is appropriate

Collaboration In Overlapping Practice Areas

Our firm is in a strong position to help clients create effective asset protection strategies due to the inherent synergy between our practice areas. We often collaborate in estate planning and family law cases that overlap.

For instance, if a father intends for his daughter alone to inherit his assets, it is worthwhile for the daughter to also consult with us about preserving those assets as separate property. By doing so, she can reduce the risk of commingling those assets in marriage — and potentially losing them in a future divorce. Keeping inherited assets outside of the definition of “marital property” subject to division requires careful planning, but is completely doable.

Learn more by calling our asset protection lawyers at 303-991-5200 or contact us online.
