Business and Tax Planning

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Business and Tax Planning

Careful planning is a recognized key to business success. The type of business organization you decide to use based on your needs and goals will impact day-to-day operations, the type(s) of taxes paid by the business and your personal taxes. At The Law Center PLLC, we will explain the differences between the many choices of entity, including:

  • C-corporation
  • S-corporation
  • Limited liability company (LLC)
  • Limited partnership
  • General partnership
  • Joint venture

We provide comprehensive business planning services to help you make the best decision for yourself. We will also coordinate with your CPA or other income tax advisers.

When you have established a successful business, especially a family business, it is also important that you plan for the succession of that business, to preserve it for the next generation. We will work with you to identify and balance your business and family interests, prepare the next generation of owners and managers, and treat family members fairly.

Our business planning services include:

  • Choice of entity
  • Entity formation
  • Change in type of entity
  • Compliance and maintenance work, such as annual reports and minutes
  • Buy-sell agreements
  • Confidentiality and noncompete agreements
  • Mergers and reorganizations
  • Tax planning
  • Business succession planning

Tax Planning

Every legal, financial and business decision has tax consequences. That’s a fact of life. When you make those decisions, your nontax goals must come first. You should never lose sight of them. But if you can achieve them in a tax-favored manner, so much the better. In working with you on your estate and business planning, we can assist you with “transfer taxes” like gift, estate, inheritance and generation-skipping taxes.

We also carefully coordinate our Colorado tax planning efforts with your CPA or other income tax advisers. The better they are, the better we can be.

We Can Help You With Your Legal Matters

Contact a lawyer at The Law Center PLLC today to learn how we can help you with your business or tax planning needs. We are conveniently located near Denver Technological Center (DTC) in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Call 303-991-5280 to set up your first consultation.
