At The Law Center PLLC in Highlands Ranch, we know it can be difficult to contemplate end-of-life issues. Our experienced estate planning lawyers help clients throughout Colorado navigate the emotional and legal challenges associated with creating last wills and testaments, trusts, and other documents.
Although Colorado law allows for intestate succession, where a court divides the inheritance between family members in the absence of a will or trust, it is far better to organize your affairs in advance. We can help you prepare so that assets are distributed exactly the way you wish. We can also help you keep your will up to date throughout your life, ensuring your legacy is kept in an orderly fashion.
Once an individual decides to create a will, the next decision is whether to turn to an estate planning lawyer or to attempt to create the legal documents independently. Numerous online services advertise free forms or low-cost options for creating wills. However, it is critical to keep one adage in mind, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
While inexpensive online resources may seem comprehensive and legally accurate at first glance, it takes an experienced attorney to thoroughly review the wording and ensure that it will actually be upheld in court. Even more important, an attorney can ensure that a will does not turn out to be legally binding in a way the client never intended. Proper legal counsel can save time, money and stress for the future heirs and beneficiaries.
If you are located in Colorado or Kansas, we invite you to learn more about our estate planning services by calling our office at 303-991-5200 or contact us online.